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A Letter From the Women's Social Committee
Published: September 23, 2016
For those of you who are new to the neighborhood, let us say “WELCOME!” The Resort is a unique community where you will find a caring network of neighbors and friends. We are the Women’s Social Committee for The Resort. If you are a lady who lives in this community, you are automatically a member of our committee.
The Women’s Social Committee does many wonderful things throughout the year. We sponsor socials for neighbors to get to know one another, we sponsor children’s activities such as pizza parties and scavenger hunts, we make charitable donations, and we publish a neighborhood directory.
As you have probably noticed by our flyers on your mailbox, we are a busy group. In less than 2 weeks, we will be having our most important event of the year and our only fundraiser.......our Annual Block Party. This is a great opportunity to meet new neighbors, enjoy a potluck dinner, bid on items in a Silent Auction, and purchase fine wine from our wine pull. The proceeds from the Annual Block Party will fund all of our social activities for 2017. It will also allow us to make charitable contributions at the end of the year such as donating to an injured fire fighter, donating to the Saginaw Food Pantry, helping families in need, and making plans to publish a new directory.
Please help us to make our Annual Block Party successful by joining us Sunday, October 2nd from 4-7 pm at The Resort Clubhouse so we may continue to do great things for our neighborhood and community. Hope to see you there neighbor!
The Resort Women’s Social Committee
Click here to download and read the Resort Social Letter
The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake