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Call for Candidates - Reminder

Published: February 14, 2025

As a Reminder for The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake Homeowners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that an Election Meeting of the Members will soon be scheduled. The purpose of this meeting is to elect four (4) Class A Members to the Board of Directors and to discuss normal business of the Association.

If you would like to nominate yourself or another Class A Member as a candidate for the Board of Directors, please complete the form and return it to Essex Association Management, prior to the deadline date of Friday, February 21st, 2025, by 5:00p.m.

The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake HOA - Candidate

Please return your Candidate form Via:

Online: www.theresortateaglemountainlakehoa.com
E-mail to: abarnes@essexhoa.com
Subject: The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake HOA Candidate
Fax: (469) 342-8205; Attn: Ashton Barnes

After the deadline for returning Candidacy Forms expires, we will issue the Election Meeting Notice Packet which shall include the notice, meeting agenda, proxy, ballot listing all candidates, and copies of the candidates’ statements.


Essex Association Management, L.P., Managing Agent,
On behalf of The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake Homeowners Association, Inc.

The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake HOA

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