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Updated Community Main Gate Access Procedures

Date: December 19, 2024

Notice to Resort Residents

The Resident Elected Board of Directors recently met with a group of residents who expressed concerns about community security processes. As a result the Board has authorized updates to procedures for accessing the community through the main gate.

These updated procedures are outlined below and will be implemented with Smith Security Friday, September 20, 2019.

Updates to the Standing Orders for Security Officers at The Resort

    1. Security Officers are No Longer Responsible for opening the Main Gate for Homeowners. FOB’s or stickers must be used.

    2. Security Officers are primarily responsible for monitoring the camera feeds from all 3 gates and alerting Tarrant County Sherriff, Essex, or the HOA as a situation warrants.

    3. If a Homeowner approaches the Main Gate and does NOT have a FOB, or a working FOB, they must stop where the driveway splits between Resident and Guest lanes, a brief honk will alert the Security Officer. The SO will then verify that a Homeowner has a sticker and will open the gate as a courtesy.

    4. If a known Homeowner does NOT have a sticker or a FOB, they WILL be treated as a Guest 100% of the time regardless of which lane they choose.

    5. 100% of Construction, Delivery, Amazon Van, Moving Van, Utility Trucks and all other Service Provider Vehicles will be stopped, Drivers Licenses will be Verified, and otherwise treated as an unknown guest 100% of the time.

    6. The ONLY exceptions to the policy of stopping non-resident vehicles are: Police, Sherriff, Fire Department, Ambulance, and School Busses.

    7. Expired Drivers licenses are NOT acceptable and Drivers Will be denied entry.

Approved By The Resort Resident Elected Board of Directors

Note: If a Homeowner needs to know how to get a Sticker and Fob, They should use this website: https://theresortateaglemountainlakehoa.com

The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake HOA

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