Published: November 30, 2016
Last week, the south gate experienced some issues and fell off the track. Parts are needed to complete the repair and get it back to operating properly. The repair is scheduled to be completed no later than Friday, December 2, of this week.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: October 14, 2016
We sincerely apologize for the recent issues with your gate clickers not working properly. We have scheduled a vendor to be on site to check the remote receiver and the gate system to determine the issue. At this time, your gate clickers may work at one gate and not another. Please be sure to go through the main entrance to avoid issues.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: September 23, 2016
Recently your Board / Advisory Committee and the Management Company has received multiple inquiries regarding the Golf Club, usage of the greens and applicable fees associated with the use of the Golf Club’s various amenities. In an effort to address these inquiries an Overview as well as an informational sheet has been provided.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: September 23, 2016
For those of you who are new to the neighborhood, let us say “WELCOME!” The Resort is a unique community where you will find a caring network of neighbors and friends. We are the Women’s Social Committee for The Resort. If you are a lady who lives in this community, you are automatically a member of our committee.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: September 21, 2016
On Wednesday, September 21st, 2016, the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office with be testing and evaluating equipment that will require firearms to be discharged during darkness. The Sheriff’s Office will begin testing this equipment beginning at approximately 04:00 am.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: August 03, 2016
The south gate is now converted to FOB remote use only starting immediately. To enter and exit the gate will require the FOB remote. If you do not have a FOB remote , you will be required to enter through the main gate because the keypad will no longer work.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: July 26, 2016
This notification is to advise you of an upcoming change to the south gate access. The south gate is expected to be converted to FOB remote use only starting “on or about” Aug 1. To enter and exit will require the FOB remote. If you do not have a FOB remote by the time the conversion is effective, you will be required to enter through the main gate because the keypad will no longer work.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake Homeowners Association
Published: June 23, 2016
The discharging of firecrackers and other fireworks in The Resort are prohibited as stated in Exhibit D Section 8.9(f) of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and violators are subject to fines and loss of community privileges.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: June 10, 2016
The landscape company is working throughout the community to address all areas in need of maintenance as quickly as they can. We do have a team of landscapers who maintain common areas as well as empty lots however, it has been a very heavy season for rain and the ground does need a few more days to dry out before proper mowing and weed treating can be done in some areas. With the amount of rain we have had, the ground takes longer to dry but, the landscapers are mowing the areas dry enough to maintain. Mowing when grounds are wet causes unsightly grooves and crevices in the ground and results in wear and tear on the equipment. Please bare with the landscapers as they attempt to perform what service they can while they wait for the remaining grounds to sufficiently dry out.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake
Published: May 16, 2016
With recent storms, The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake Homeowners Association and its board of directors hope you have not been affected. We understand that damage does occur with our Texas storms. Please remember that any construction or repair company coming to work on your home have to follow the Construction Hours of the community. Monday through Friday 7am – 5pm. No construction is permitted on Sunday or the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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The Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake